LANDINI fiber cement sheet complies with current European standard UNI EN 494.
These products are suited for roofing industrial, civil and agricultural buildings.
The high quality of the sheet is guaranteed by a mixture of cement, synthetic PVA and organic fibers, the result of years of field testing and verification.
ONDABAND sheet is reinforced with high resistance polypropylene bands to guarantee installer safety.
Pressing of the sheets makes it possible to achieve high mechanical resistance, with distance between supports of up to 140 cm, ideal to handle the heaviest overloads due to snow and wind.
With weight limited to less than 15 kg/m2, they can be applied to warp in metal, concrete or wood.
The surface can be painted in different colors including: dark red, dark brown, brick, cement grey, slate. To see the most popular colors, click on the image below:
(the availability of colors depends on the kind of sheet)
The following profiles are available:
– EUROPA ONDABAND roofing – Pitch 177 (5 corrugations)
– EUROPA ONDABAND roofing – Pitch 177 (6 corrugations)
– EUROPA ONDABAND curved roofing – Pitch 177 (6 corrugations)
– EUROPA ONDABAND roofing underlay – Pitch 200.5
– EUROPA ONDABAND roofing underlay – Pitch 234.8
– EUROPA ONDABAND roofing – Pitch 146 – EURO SIX LAN roofing
– FRENCH-STYLE roofing
– with lengths from 1 to 3.5 mt
In accordance with law no. 257 of 27.03.92, “RULES ON THE CESSATION OF THE USE OF ASBESTOS” published in the Italian Official Journal on 13.04.92, as of 28.04.1994 it is prohibited to produce and sell products containing asbestos.